Are you LinkedIn
This week I will be writing on the subject of LinkedIn and how I will use it to further my career. One of our guest speakers, Geralyn Mitchell, shared a lot of knowledge about LinkedIn and how we should be using it. I learned that I need to be active with LinkedIn because with more activity comes more availability. This is a valuable piece of knowledge to me because I haven't used my LinkedIn account since I signed up. Now that I know to be active I will start to do so. I also learned that I can share my own blogs and posts onto a news feed. This can allow more people to see my work and my recent activity. I will start to post about my upcoming work and other things that I am interested in. Throughout Geralyn's presentation, I was happy to be informed that I can get a free professional headshot at the career development center. This is important because I want people to take me seriously and know that I care about my work and my future. I need to get a headshot and complete my LinkedIn account as soon as possible so I can start using it to my advantage.
This is all relatable knowledge because if I use LinkedIn properly and actively, I might be able to find a lot of work in my field. I love shooting and editing videos and plan to continue to do so. When I graduate I am traveling to Asia for a long time and I can use LinkedIn on my travels to show people my work while I am traveling. This might also help me find small gigs if I want to be a freelance videographer or editor. After doing research I learned that I will have access to wifi throughout my travels. I might even be able to find some jobs while I am traveling. In order to do so, I should have my LinkedIn account set up all the way and I should be actively using it. Geralyn taught me that I can search jobs on LinkedIn. I can search specific job titles in specific areas. I will link my resume and portfolio to my LinkedIn account so people can see my previous work. I can't wait to see what I can do with LinkedIn and other outlets of opportunity. I look forward to being the best person I can be and striving to do what I love for the rest of my life.